Map and Guide Desktop 2013 v19.0 Europe City 地圖桌面軟體 英文破解版(DVD三片裝)
Install Map & Guide Desktop 2013 with this serial: EkcQXPZZRG0WC4
Install Europe City with this serial: EweQXPZZ67UE34
Use Administration Tool to install ADD-ONs (1295 licenses):
E21QXPZZXV97N4 - add-on address monitor
E22QXPZZK2TS84 - add-on Assistance Partner
EklQXPZZDGVBT4 - add-on excel pro
EkfQXPZZJEQTJ4 - add-on CADviewer
E00QXPZZ20S6X4 - add-on calc+
EkuQXPZZH95G44 - add-on call center
EkeQXPZZ93W8K4 - add-on Kalif
EkjQXPZZMQD814 - add-on road editor
E7kQXPZZ8SO974 - add-on Spediteuradressbuch (freight forwarder address book)
EkoQXPZZDHXQ64 - add-on toll control
PTV Map&Guide Desktop possesses an extensive range of additional
functions, which offer more than just route planning. For example, you
can display your clients' addresses or put together personal routes.
Plus road closures:
Use the road editor to change individual road closures on the map, to
close or open specific roads (e. g. depot entrances that are blocked
for other road users).
You can operate PTV Map&Guide desktop via your own interface (API) and,
in turn, integrate customized functions into your software.
Display and classification of client data:
In PTV Map&Guide you can import client data in different formats. The
addresses can be categorised (e.g. as A, B and C clients) and
visualised with different symbols or colours on the map.
Connection to Teleroute's freight exchange:
Teleroute's freight exchange, which is now integrated into
PTV Map&Guide, allows you to find additional freight along a route, for
a return trip or at selectable stop-off points on your route, to book
loads via the Teleroute freight exchange and then integrate them into
your standard PTV Map&Guide itinerary.
PTV Map&Guide calculates the rise in costs incurred by transporting
additional freight. By comparing these costs with the revenue from the
transport order, you can easily see whether the order is profitable.
Add-on call center:
The PTV Map&Guide additional module add-on call center helps you select
the optimum service provider. And therefore avoid unnecessary costs.
The software solution provides you with reliable localization and all
the information you require about the location in a matter of seconds.